[ZendTo] Release candidate: 4.27-6 released

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri May 19 15:24:51 BST 2017


Blimey, that's a bit flash! :-)

I notice they don't do rounded corners at all. :)

I've seen someone who has customised the HTML emails with a nice big 
simple "Download" button in it.
I've always been wary of that as then the users are far less sure it's a 
real one as they cannot see obviously where the link is possibly going 
to take them. (I do understand that of course the link text they see is 
unrelated to the actual URL, don't worry)

I would be interested in people's thoughts of what they would like the 
HTML emails to look like.

What needs adding, removing, changing, redesigning?
I wanted to keep to the same design scheme as the website as far as 
possible, so they are immediately recognisable.

Many thanks!

On 19/05/2017 11:50, Der PCFreak wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> if it helps, you could try to design a template with https://beefree.io/
> and then adapt it to ZendTo.
> The guys at beefree put a lot of compatibility code for nearly any
> browser into their templates to make them look awesome on all platforms
> and browsers.
> Maybe a good base for the HTML templates of ZendTo?
> Kind regards
> Peter
> On 17.05.2017 18:10, Jules wrote:
>> I think I have now fixed the HTML problems causing emails to not display
>> correctly in Outlook and some other email clients.
>> *Please* can you give this version a try for me. If I hear nothing too
>> awful, it will become the next production release.
>> Details and download links for the betas are available at
>>        http://zend.to/beta.php
>> Thanks all!
>> Jules
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'A committee is a group of the unwilling, chosen from the unfit,
  to do the unnecessary.' - Anon

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