[ZendTo] Support SAML / WS-Federation

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri Mar 24 14:45:17 GMT 2017


20! Wow! The biggest request I've had before is for 3.

I've been wanting to add SAML and Shibboleth support for a while now.

The snag is finding the time to investigate it, as I have never done 
anything with that stuff at all before from a developer's point of view, 
and I've never had to run a SAML setup from an admin's point of view either.

I've found the SimpleSAML stuff on the web, but literally got no further 
than that yet.

Do you happen to know much about running a SAML server, and/or quite 
what's involved in the client authentication?
If so, any chance you could lend a hand please? :-)


On 24/03/2017 13:12, De Laet Jimmy wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anybody know if Zend-To supports SAML or WS-Federation for authentication? It has become necessary to link our existing setup with multiple AD's (about 20), but at the moment Zend-To is limited to 2. There already exists a shared AD environment which links all of the different AD's, but the only way to interact with it is using SAML or WS-Federation.
> Regards,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jimmy De Laet - jimmy.delaet at just.fgov.be
> Wenn man in die falsche Richtung läuft, hat es keinen Zweck, das Tempo zu erhöhen.
> Birgit Breuel (*1937), dt. Politikerin u. Managerin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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  doing is what we do for others.' - Lewis Carroll

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