[ZendTo] Zendto 4.20

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Mar 8 18:02:22 GMT 2017

On 28/02/2017 18:23, Kevin Miller wrote:
> I upgraded from 4.12-5 this morning to 4.20-6 via yum update on centOS 6.  Everything seemed to go pretty well.  I got the following notices during the upgrade:
> -----------------------
>    Updating   : zendto-4.20-6.noarch                                                                                                                                               40/82
> warning: /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php created as /opt/zendto/config/preferences.php.rpmnew
> warning: /opt/zendto/config/zendto.conf created as /opt/zendto/config/zendto.conf.rpmnew
> warning: /opt/zendto/templates/dropoff_list.tpl created as /opt/zendto/templates/dropoff_list.tpl.rpmnew
> warning: /opt/zendto/templates/pickup_list_all.tpl created as /opt/zendto/templates/pickup_list_all.tpl.rpmnew
>    Cleanup    : zendto-4.12-5.noarch                                                                                                                                               55/82
> warning:    erase unlink of /opt/zendto/templates_c/This.Dir.Must.Be.Writeable.By.Apache failed: No such file or directory
> warning:    erase unlink of /opt/zendto/templates_c failed: No such file or directory
> warning:    erase unlink of /opt/zendto/myzendto.templates_c/This.Dir.Must.Be.Writeable.By.Apache failed: No such file or directory
> warning:    erase unlink of /opt/zendto/myzendto.templates_c failed: No such file or directory
> warning:    erase unlink of /opt/zendto/cache/This.Dir.Must.Be.Writeable.By.Apache failed: No such file or directory
> warning:    erase unlink of /opt/zendto/cache failed: No such file or directory
The old directories /opt/zendto/{cache,templates_c,myzendto.templates_c} 
can all be deleted completely. I have moved them to /var/zendto instead, 
which is a much safer place for them.

> -----------------------
> No surprises there.  I diffed the config files and their respective rpmnew files and manually brought them into sync.  Sadly, I discovered to late that Jules had written a nice upgrader to do the heavy lifting or me. :-(  No matter.
> The directories were moved w/o any problem and are readable by apache.
> I did notice a couple of oddities however:
> 1:  I had a half dozen or so uploads prior to upgrading.  As it was an upgrade via yum, there was no readme available prior to running it and I didn't think to dig around on the web page.  Anyway, I went with the new default and used sqllite3 instead of mysql which was in use before.  Is there any way to reimport the uploads?  They still exist in the /var/zendto/drop-offs directory.  They just don't show up in "Show all Dropoffs" from the web page.  I don't necessarily need to see them (since they'll disappear soon anyway) as long as the original recipient can still click on the URL sent to them and can download the dropoff.
I'm afraid I haven't written a MySQL->SQLite converter, sorry. If you 
were using MySQL before, and don't want to throw away any drop-offs you 
have stored (or local users you have created), then continue using MySQL.
> 2:  I clicked on the "How secure is Zendto?" link.  Works fine, but when I click on the Home button or the logo it just reloads the security page.  I.e., the base URL is there with /security.php appended to it.  It doesn't seem to do it from other pages.
That's probably a bug. I'll look into it.
> 3:  I have three AD domains that use the system.  Some years back I edited lib\NSSADAuthenticator.php to include additional LDAP association which was overwritten by the update.  Fortunately I kept a copy of the modified file.  I did a quick spot check and it looks like NSSADAuthenticator.php wasn't changed in the upgrade so it was a drop in replacement with my old file.  A nice feature might be to do a check during the install and see if any of the lib files have been altered and write an .rpmnew file. This may or may not be practical; I understand if it's rather problematic. But it would be nice. :-)
That would probably cause more problems than it solved. Your situation 
is a very unusual one. With pretty much all packages, if you modify 
things that are not expected to be modified (and hence are marked as 
config files in the RPM spec), upgrades *will* overwrite them without 
warning. Copy your own NSSADAuthenticator.php to something like 
NSSADAuthenticator.php.local in the same directory, and you'll always 
have a copy to hand when you have just upgraded the RPM.


> Thanks...
> ...Kevin
> --
> Kevin Miller
> Network/email Administrator, CBJ MIS Dept.
> 155 South Seward Street
> Juneau, Alaska 99801
> Phone: (907) 586-0242, Fax: (907) 586-4588 Registered Linux User No: 307357
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Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng

'It's okay to live without all the answers' - Charlie Eppes, 2011

Twitter: @JulesFM
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