[ZendTo] Drop off reminder email does not contain full URL

Craig Gilbert Craig.Gilbert at nexus.org.uk
Thu Jun 22 11:11:54 BST 2017

Hello all,

When our drop off reminder emails go out, they don't appear to have the {$zendToURL} prepended to 'pickup.php?claimID={$claimID}&claimPasscode={$claimPasscode}&emailAddr=__EMAILADDR__' only the 'pickup.php?claimID={$claimID}&claimPasscode={$claimPasscode}&emailAddr=__EMAILADDR__' string is shown in the email. The initial drop off email has the full '{$zendToURL}pickup.php?claimID={$claimID}&claimPasscode={$claimPasscode}&emailAddr=__EMAILADDR__' string in the email.

I've checked dropoff_email.tpl but I can't see anything obviously wrong.

I've attached to screenshots to show the issue in detail.

Kind Regards,

Craig Gilbert
Systems Architect

Nexus, Nexus House, St James' Boulevard, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4AX
Tel 0191 203 3268

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