[ZendTo] Re: Trial release of new code for ZendTo 4.12-1

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed May 27 14:32:12 BST 2015

I can't remember how much of the address book code was in 4.11. Are 
there production DBs out there with this issue in them already, caused 
by version 4.11?

If so, fancy writing a tiny bit of PHP for me (in cleanup.php) that does 
this please?


On 27/05/2015 14:18, Rini van Zetten wrote:
> Jules,
> It may be a good idea to remove the duplicate items in de sqlite db 
> inserted to this 'bug'.
> I use : 'delete from addressbook where rowid not in (select min(rowid) 
> from addressbook group by username,name,email) ;'
> Regards,
> Rini
> On 27-05-15 15:07, Jules wrote:
>> Many thanks for that fix. You're exactly right, that is what I intended.
>> I have applied the fix to the main code and will do another release very
>> soon.
>> Thanks!
>> Jules.
>> On 27/05/2015 13:25, Rini van Zetten wrote:
>>> Hi Jules.
>>> I've updated my system and it seems to work ok !
>>> One problem is that adding names to the addressbook in sqlite3 is not always ok.
>>> I've created a patch which resolves it for my system.
>>> --- SQLite3.php.org     2015-05-27 11:32:21.000000000 +0200
>>> +++ SQLite3.php 2015-05-27 14:16:10.828570997 +0200
>>> @@ -1007,8 +1007,8 @@
>>>        $name  = $this->database->escapeString(trim($recip[0]));
>>>        $email = $this->database->escapeString(trim($recip[1]));
>>>        $query = $this->arrayQuery(
>>> -               sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM addressbook WHERE username='%s'",
>>> -                       $name),
>>> +               sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM addressbook WHERE username='%s' AND name='%s' and email='%s'",
>>> +                       $user,$name,$email),
>>>                   SQLITE3_NUM);
>>>        $now = time();
>>>        if ($query[0][0]>=1) {
>>> I think the same applies for the SQLite.php file. the Mysql.php is fine.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rini
>>> On 26-05-15 11:44, Jules wrote:
>>>> To make life easier for you, I have just put an RPM and a DEB package in
>>>> the Beta area of the website:
>>>>        http://zend.to/downloads.php
>>>> Please do try these out and let me know how you get on.
>>>> I haven't added them to either of the repos, so you won't automatically
>>>> upgrade by mistake.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jules.
>>>> On 25/05/2015 19:54, Jules wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks!
>>>>> I've been hard at work today (for a change :-)
>>>>> The attached tgz file contains **only** the new files that have
>>>>> changed from the last stable release on the website.
>>>>> Before you copy them all into place, take a copy of your
>>>>>       /opt/zendto/www
>>>>>       /opt/zendto/templates
>>>>>       /opt/zendto/lib
>>>>>       /opt/zendto/sql
>>>>> directories, so you aren't about to break anything.
>>>>> When you unpack the tgz file and copy them into place, make sure they
>>>>> are readable by all, so their permissions are
>>>>> -rw-r--r--
>>>>> There is now a database table 'addressbook' which you probably won't
>>>>> have. If you are using MySQL then you'll need to re-apply the schema
>>>>> in /opt/zendto/sql. Read the README.MySQL in there. Don't worry, it
>>>>> won't delete or overwrite any of your existing tables, but it does
>>>>> need to play with the indexes (indices?) in the 'addressbook' table to
>>>>> fix an earlier bug.
>>>>> Please give this a try **NOT** on a production server, and let me know
>>>>> if it works for you or not. If there are any problems at all, please
>>>>> get in touch with me straightaway, I'll keep a close eye on this
>>>>> address+list for the rest of the week at least.
>>>>> Here's what's new:
>>>>> - Added an address book of previously used names and addresses of
>>>>> recipients.
>>>>>     Many thanks to Eythor Thorsteinsson for providing the UI part to get
>>>>> this
>>>>>     going.
>>>>> - Replaced support for old Google CAPTCHA with much nicer new reCAPTCHA.
>>>>>     This is now the default, give it a try! You'll need a pair of free keys
>>>>>     fromhttps://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin.
>>>>> - You can now remove a file from the list when creating a new dropoff,
>>>>> just
>>>>>     click on the X to the right of the file description.
>>>>>     Contributions for a nice little icon would be much appreciated!
>>>>>     (The winner gets an entry in the ChangeLog ;-)
>>>>> - Resending a dropoff resets the 'created' time so the dropoff will
>>>>> not be
>>>>>     deleted early. Thanks to Greg Clarke for spotting this one.
>>>>> - Fixed a bug stopping you removing recipients in the middle of the list.
>>>>> - Fixed a bug reporting Invalid_email_address incorrectly when doing an
>>>>>     anonymous pickup.
>>>>> - Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
>>>>> Jules
>>>>> Jules
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
>>>>> 'There is silent poetry in the stillness of morning;
>>>>>     in the calm, the cries & sighs of life sound like gentle music.'
>>>>>     - @Astro_Wheels
>>>>> www.Zend.To
>>>>> Twitter: @JulesFM
>>>>> PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654
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>>> Jules
>>> -- 
>>> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
>>> 'When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder
>>>    That such trivial people should muse and thunder
>>>    In such lovely language.' - D.H. Lawrence
>>> www.Zend.To
>>> Twitter: @JulesFM
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> -- 
> *Rini van Zetten*
> /Senior Software Engineer/
> -------------------------
> ARVOO Engineering B.V.
> Tasveld 13
> 3417 XS Montfoort
> The Netherlands
> Tel : 0348-418412
> E-mail : rini at arvoo.com <mailto:rini at arvoo.com>
> Web : www.arvoo.com <http://www.arvoo.com>
> **
> _______________________________________________
> ZendTo mailing list
> ZendTo at zend.to
> http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/zendto
> Jules
> -- 
> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
> www.Zend.To
> Twitter: @JulesFM
> PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654
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