[ZendTo] Re: Trial release of new code for ZendTo 4.12-1

Eythor Thorsteinsson eythort at menandmice.com
Tue May 26 12:40:39 BST 2015

I'm trying out the new version, and just want to mention two things:

- I really like the new reCAPTCHA!! Night and day. I had disabled the captcha, actually, but I can comfortably enable that now.
- I had to purge the templates_c directory ... which I presume have cached templates. Otherwise I was not able to get our logo, or other things from zendto.conf working.

Thanks for the new version.


> On 26 May 2015, at 09:44, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:
> To make life easier for you, I have just put an RPM and a DEB package in 
> the Beta area of the website:
>     http://zend.to/downloads.php
> Please do try these out and let me know how you get on.
> I haven't added them to either of the repos, so you won't automatically 
> upgrade by mistake.
> Cheers,
> Jules.
> On 25/05/2015 19:54, Jules wrote:
>> Hi folks!
>> I've been hard at work today (for a change :-)
>> The attached tgz file contains **only** the new files that have 
>> changed from the last stable release on the website.
>> Before you copy them all into place, take a copy of your
>>    /opt/zendto/www
>>    /opt/zendto/templates
>>    /opt/zendto/lib
>>    /opt/zendto/sql
>> directories, so you aren't about to break anything.
>> When you unpack the tgz file and copy them into place, make sure they 
>> are readable by all, so their permissions are
>> -rw-r--r--
>> There is now a database table 'addressbook' which you probably won't 
>> have. If you are using MySQL then you'll need to re-apply the schema 
>> in /opt/zendto/sql. Read the README.MySQL in there. Don't worry, it 
>> won't delete or overwrite any of your existing tables, but it does 
>> need to play with the indexes (indices?) in the 'addressbook' table to 
>> fix an earlier bug.
>> Please give this a try **NOT** on a production server, and let me know 
>> if it works for you or not. If there are any problems at all, please 
>> get in touch with me straightaway, I'll keep a close eye on this 
>> address+list for the rest of the week at least.
>> Here's what's new:
>> - Added an address book of previously used names and addresses of 
>> recipients.
>>  Many thanks to Eythor Thorsteinsson for providing the UI part to get 
>> this
>>  going.
>> - Replaced support for old Google CAPTCHA with much nicer new reCAPTCHA.
>>  This is now the default, give it a try! You'll need a pair of free keys
>>  from https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin.
>> - You can now remove a file from the list when creating a new dropoff, 
>> just
>>  click on the X to the right of the file description.
>>  Contributions for a nice little icon would be much appreciated!
>>  (The winner gets an entry in the ChangeLog ;-)
>> - Resending a dropoff resets the 'created' time so the dropoff will 
>> not be
>>  deleted early. Thanks to Greg Clarke for spotting this one.
>> - Fixed a bug stopping you removing recipients in the middle of the list.
>> - Fixed a bug reporting Invalid_email_address incorrectly when doing an
>>  anonymous pickup.
>> - Fixed a couple of minor bugs.
>> Jules
>> Jules
>> -- 
>> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
>> 'There is silent poetry in the stillness of morning;
>>  in the calm, the cries & sighs of life sound like gentle music.'
>>  - @Astro_Wheels
>> www.Zend.To
>> Twitter: @JulesFM
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