[ZendTo] Re: LDAP Authenticator broken

Ray A. Gardener R.A.Gardener at shu.ac.uk
Wed Feb 25 23:34:52 GMT 2015


a "jumbo" Red Hat 6 patch on the 25th February looks to have broken Zendto at our site. The authentication is damaged and attempting to log in, users get the message 

LDAP Error 
Check User: Unable to connect to any of the authentication servers; could not authenticate user. 
[error] Authentication Error 
The username or password was incorrect. 

Is there a way to raise the logging level around the authentication process to try and find out exactly what needs repairing? The Authenticator is LDAP and I have confirmed that the credentials of the account doing the authentication are unchanged and that I can log in successful to the account. 

Ray Gardener 
Databases and Applications 
Sheffield Hallam University 
Hallamshire Business Park 
100 Napier Street 
S11 8HD 
0114 225 4926 
R.A.Gardener at shu.ac.uk 
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