[ZendTo] Re: ZendTo

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Jan 28 17:29:52 GMT 2014

You are trying to run before you can walk. If you are not familiar with 
basic Linux system administration, you really should start from the VM 
images where I have done almost all the work for you. I assume any 
competent administrator realises that a system that sends mail will need 
a mail service of some sort installing (if it is not installed by 
default, which it might or might not be depending on a thousand 
questions I'm not getting into).


On 28/01/2014 17:12, Jules wrote:
> On 17/01/2014 12:42, King, Roy wrote:
>> Is there a more complete guide to installing and using ZendTo? Or 
>> perhaps complete video walk through of install and customization?
>> I attempted to do a fresh Ubuntu server install and got several 
>> errors on the PHP recompile, mail service missing, yada yada yada.
> In which case start with the VM images, where the vast proportion of 
> the work is done for you.
>> This software looks very promising for my needs but it appears 
>> extremely difficult to maintain.
> Once setup and running, it requires no maintenance whatsoever. It's an 
> incredibly *simple* package to maintain.
>> Are there any commercial service providers that offer ZendTo on 
>> monthly or annual plans?
> Not that I'm aware of, but any competent Linux system administrator 
> should be able to do it for you. There are umpteen thousands of those 
> in the world already.
> Jules.
>> Roy King
>> Network Support Analyst, DPSI
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>> Jules
>> -- 
>> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
>> 'One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth
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> Jules
> -- 
> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng
> 'People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one, and if you
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