[ZendTo] AreYouAHuman v reCAPTCHA

Mike Brudenell mike.brudenell at york.ac.uk
Tue Feb 11 15:50:43 GMT 2014

Dear all,

Does anyone have a patch that enables *both* the AreYouAHuman "games"
*and*Google reCAPTCHA to be offered within ZendTo? (Either be showing
both, or
showing one and a button/link to toggle to the other?)

We are currently using AreYouAHuman but for various reasons we now need to
offer the choice or else revert to reCAPTCHA only.

I've peered at the PHP and templates but haven't been able to figure
anything out...

Mike B-)

IT Services, The University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK
Tel: +44-1904-323811
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