[ZendTo] Re: Upload file format

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri Mar 15 09:33:07 GMT 2013

Not possible I'm afraid. And setting the filename extension has nothing 
whatsoever to do with the actual file format (i.e. the contents of the 
file) anyway! If you were to restrict users to uploading .pdf only then 
they would just rename their movies to have a .pdf on the end of the 
filename and you're back to where you started.

Not that it's possible anyway, but it's also pointless. Sorry.


On 15/03/2013 07:30, Simon Ko wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way configure to accept users uploading the file format 
> such as .xlsx, docx, pptx, pdf... only.
> Thanks,
> Simon
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