[ZendTo] Re: Multilanguages

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Mar 12 15:35:50 GMT 2013

Yes, I know this is needed, and at some point very soon. It's on the 
list, but I can't give you dates or anything right now.
The only short-term workaround I can suggest is you put both English and 
French into the template files. Far from perfect, I agree.


On 12/03/2013 15:02, Francis wrote:
> Hello,
> Zendto seem perfect for our needs.  The only problem I see is that the
> application is unilingual English.  The user should be able to choose
> between English or French (or any other language, but English/French
> would be ok for us).  Because of the multilanguages requirement, I
> cannot just translate the template files.  Do you plan to add a
> localization system into Zendto to make that possible?
> Thank you.
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