[ZendTo] Re: Duplicate dropoff id

Artyom Aleksandrov mailing.list at tem4uk.ru
Thu Jun 6 10:21:19 BST 2013

Some debug info.

It doesn't use duplicate dID how I thought before.
It is remapping dID for previously upload files.

For example: I created new dropoff (214) and add one file (887) and after
that other files change their dID for new one.
sqlite> select rowid,dID from file where dID='214';

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 12:29 AM, Artyom Aleksandrov
<mailing.list at tem4uk.ru>wrote:

> Hi, I migrated my zento installation from Ubuntu 8.04 to 12.04 and caught
> disgusting bug.
> Time to time when someone create new dropoff his/her files are including
> to already exist dropoff. And on dropoff summary page we can see old
> dropoff with download statistic  and old/new files.
> It looks like "Did" (dropoff id) is not unique and there isn't check for
> it.
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