[ZendTo] Re: Behind an apache reverse proxy

Rich Hutchinson r.hutchinson at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jan 30 12:02:43 GMT 2013

Look in "/etc/apt/sources.list"

It will have used the standard Canonical repos for this...

An "apt-cache show libapache2-mod-rpaf" will show you the version and 
where it came from.

I wasn't previously aware of that mismatch module name bug: when I wrote 
that post, the Zend.To Ubuntu VMs were based on the previous LTS release 
of Ubuntu - 10.04 which looks to only provide v0.5-3 or thereabouts of 
the rpaf module - that bug appears to have been discovered in v0.6-2 and 
then subsequently fixed in v0.6-3.

You can always force a refresh of the package index with "apt-get 
update" followed by an "apt-get upgrade" and you will get the latest 
version that the repos provide of any installed packages (no guarantee 
that there are no bugs, however!)

It can be tricky sometimes to get hold of fixes ahead of them appearing 
in the "official" repos - often you may find personal package archives 
(PPAs) created by others that include patches/fixed ahead of the 
Canonical repos...

You can always build your own "working" packages if you identify a 
fix...this is starting to stray off-topic for this list, though!


epiLab Systems Manager
MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health
University College London
Institute of Child Health
30 Guilford Street

020 7905 2155

On 25/01/13 01:08, John Thurston wrote:
> <snip>
> Question:
> I'm normally a Solaris admin, so my linux skills and knowledge is
> limited. All I did was an "apt-get install libapache2-mod-rpaf" How did
> my apt-get choose it's repository, and what could I have done
> differently to get a package containing a functional rpaf.conf ?

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