[ZendTo] Antwort: Re: {SPAM?} Antwort: Re: Feature available??

patrick.gaikowski at kaufland.com patrick.gaikowski at kaufland.com
Mon Aug 12 09:37:42 BST 2013


the error in IE9 is now gone, but Drag&Drop is not working and add multiple
files also not (in IE9).

The notification information is now complete again also with information
about uploaded files.



Kaufland ist "Bester Lebensmittelmarkt 2011 und 2012"!

Kaufland Informationssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 12 53 - 74149 Neckarsulm
Sitz: Neckarsulm
Registergericht: Stuttgart HRA 104163

Think before you print!

Von:	Artyom Aleksandrov <mailing.list at tem4uk.ru>
An:	ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
Datum:	09.08.2013 13:42
Betreff:	[ZendTo] Re: {SPAM?} Antwort: Re: Feature available??
Gesendet von:	zendto-bounces at zend.to

It's wrong place for code develop and maintance. =(

Sorry, I uploaded my test version of new_dropoff.tpl. Please replace 286
sting to "return false" and 285 for your alert sting.

284   if ( recipient_id < 2 ) {
285     alert("You didn't add any recipient, please add at least one
286     return false;
287   }
288   return true;
289 }

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Artyom Aleksandrov <mailing.list at tem4uk.ru>

      Thank you for bug report. I fixed NSSDropoff.php now it send correct
      email, also some css tuning.

      I don't have any IE9 enviroment but found bug (link below) so I
      included jquery.iframe-transport.js it has to fix problem.


      On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 11:55 PM, <patrick.gaikowski at kaufland.com>


            i tested the Feature and there are a lot of bugs inside it..

            IE9 --> got error ...

            in the .css file --> jquery.fileupload-ui.css are incorrect


            .progress-animated .bar {
              background: url(../images/progressbar.gif) !important;
              filter: none;

            The original Images is called "progress-bar.gif".

            There is also an Image "../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png"
            completely missing


            In the notification email are the filenames missing!

            You have 14 days to retrieve the drop-off; after that the link
            above will expire. If you wish to contact the sender, just
            reply to this email.

            Full information about the drop-off:

               Claim ID:          aR5qZyhkxja6D2bp
               Claim Passcode:    U85s3Yykp9js3EZk
               Date of Drop-Off:  2013-07-26 15:35:30-0400

               -- Sender --
                 Name:            Patrick Gaikowski
                 Organisation:    Kaufland
                 Email Address:   PATRICK.GAIKOWSKI at KAUFLAND.COM
                 IP Address:      x.x.x.x

               -- Files --

            I think we have also to change "dropoff_email.tpl"...

            Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

            Patrick Gaikowski
            Tel:     +49 7132 94 3568
            Fax:    +49 7132 94 73568
            E-Mail: patrick.gaikowski at kaufland.com
            KI 967850: IT International / IT Governance / Netzwerk Design
            und IT-Sicherheit
            Lindichstrasse 11
            D-74189 Weinsberg


            Kaufland ist "Bester Lebensmittelmarkt 2011 und 2012"!

            Kaufland Informationssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
            Postfach 12 53 - 74149 Neckarsulm
            Sitz: Neckarsulm
            Registergericht: Stuttgart HRA 104163

            Think before you print!
            Inactive hide details for Artyom Aleksandrov ---25.07.2013
            14:32:57---Ou, I'm sorry I attached wrong NSSDropoff.php file.
            It's Artyom Aleksandrov ---25.07.2013 14:32:57---Ou, I'm sorry
            I attached wrong NSSDropoff.php file. It's correct archive.

            Von: Artyom Aleksandrov <mailing.list at tem4uk.ru>
            An: Jules <Jules at zend.to>
            Kopie: ZendTo Users <zendto at zend.to>
            Datum: 25.07.2013 14:32
            Betreff: [ZendTo] Re: Feature available??
            Gesendet von: zendto-bounces at zend.to

            Ou, I'm sorry I attached wrong NSSDropoff.php file.

            It's correct archive.

            On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Artyom Aleksandrov <
            mailing.list at tem4uk.ru> wrote:
                  Hello everyone,

                  You can find new version with library support in

                  Please, let me know if you find bugs.

                  Thank you.

                  On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Artyom Aleksandrov <
                  mailing.list at tem4uk.ru> wrote:

                        Hi, of course, I'm going to finish it off.
                        I already found some bugs needed to fix.
                        1) During clamav scans browser don't show
                        notification like "waiting" or something the same.
                        2) Not the best  solution to auth user that upload
                        files by request and "check email".

                        I hope to find time on next week.

                        Thank you for your offer, but I think that notice
                        my name in changelog (like previously time) will be
                        enough. :)

                        Best regards.

                        On Jul 2, 2013 3:48 PM, "Jules" <Jules at zend.to>


                              Any chance you could finish it off and
                              restore the library support please? I would
                              love to be able to add this as a feature in
                              the main release, but I really need the
                              library support to work properly too.

                              I might even be able to reward you for your
                              work! (though nothing much) :-)

                              Many thanks!

                              On 20/06/2013 14:38, Artyom Aleksandrov
                                    I'd done multiple upload feature with
                                    drag&drop support and progress bar.

                                    I used jQuery-File-Upload library

                                    It works perfect. No flash, no

                                    Now everything work except library
                                    support (it's not difficult to restore
                                    You can test it,  just copy and
                                    overwrite some files from my attachment
                                    to your test platform.

                                    Please, if somebody catch bug(s), let
                                    me know.

                                    Thank you.

                                    On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Phil
                                    Daws <uxbod at splatnix.net> wrote:

                                          am working on this as part of a
                                          UI change to bootstrap.  No
                                          timeline so don't ask :) Thanks.

                                          From: "Rob Lewis" <
                                          rlewis at forsythshirt.com>
                                          To: "ZendTo Users" <
                                          zendto at zend.to>
                                          Sent: Friday, 3 May, 2013 2:31:48

                                          Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Feature

                                          A write-up on using HTML5 capable
                                          browsers for multiple file
                                          uploads, and dealing with IE can
                                          be viewed here:

                                          Here is an HTML5 library with
                                          drag and drop support:  works
                                          just fine with Chrome.
                                          .  They also have a simple one,
                                          without drag and drop.


                                          From: zendto-bounces at zend.to
                                          [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to]
                                          On Behalf Of Kenneth Etter
                                          Sent: May 3, 2013 8:48 AM
                                          To: zendto at zend.to
                                          Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Feature

                                          I agree, flash is not a good
                                          solution.  plupload uses
                                          javascript and html5 - that might
                                          work.  I've used it on a
                                          project.  Although the
                                          plupload.com site appears to be
                                          down at the moment.


                                          >>> On 5/3/2013 at 6:05 AM, in
                                          message <
                                          20130503100505.8233108.15992.1114 at utoronto.ca
                                          >, Brian Novogradac <
                                          Brian.Novogradac at utoronto.ca>

 Don't blame you :)                                                                                                                                   
 Thanks for info.!                                                                                                                                    
 From: Jules                                                                                                                                          
 Sent: Friday, May 3, 2013 5:42 AM                                                                                                                    
 To: ZendTo Users                                                                                                                                     
 Reply To: ZendTo Users                                                                                                                               
 Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Feature available??                                                                                                            
 Unfortunately the <input type="file"> HTML tag doesn't support this.                                                                                 
 On some browsers (certainly on Macs) you can drag 1 file at a time onto the "Browse" button and it will use that file, so save you loads of clicks   
 in the file selector that appears when you click "Browse". Much faster.                                                                              
 That's the best I can do, I'm afraid. Other solutions require Flash, and I'm certainly not going down that path. :-(                                 
 On 02/05/2013 16:25, Brian Novogradac wrote:                                                                                                         
       Is there a feature something like a 'Upload Multiple' feature. So you can select, or drag and drop, say 5 files in all at once.                
       ZendTo mailing list                                                                                                                            
       ZendTo at zend.to                                                                                                                                 
       Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng                                                                                                               
       'It's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough. It's                                                                                 
        technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities,                                                                            
        that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.' - Steve Jobs                                                                           
       Twitter: @JulesFM                                                                                                                              
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                  ZendTo mailing list
                  ZendTo at zend.to

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                  Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEng

                  'There is always one moment in childhood when the door
                  opens and
                  lets the future in.' - Graham Greene

                  Twitter: @JulesFM
                  PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947
                  1415 B654
            [Anhang "zendto-4.11-fileupload.tar.gz" gelöscht von Patrick
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