[ZendTo] Re: Script or automation api?

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at aafp.org
Sat Oct 27 15:22:34 BST 2012

But we've been a Barricade site for over a year.  I suppose I could build another MS host.

>>> On 10/26/2012 at 5:00 AM, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:

Someone (Uxbod on the MailScanner mailing list) did implement an addition to MailScanner to let it automatically generate drop-offs from email attachments. So you could write something similar to implement what you want to do.

Uxbod's code should give you a very good starting point.


On 26/10/2012 00:34, Brad Beckenhauer wrote:

Nice idea..   
we'd use that feature.

>>> On 10/25/2012 at 3:27 PM, Brad Vah <bvah at adgooroo.com>
( mailto:bvah at adgooroo.com)  wrote:

Is there a script or something that can automate a drop off?  I have nightly jobs that run and currently generate an email which has pre-determined FTP information.

I would like to have those processes simply generate a drop-off and zendto do its thing.  Is it possible to automate a drop off?

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Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEngwww.Zend.To
Twitter: @JulesFM
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