[ZendTo] Re: ldap authentication issue

tw2006 tw2006 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 09:01:25 GMT 2012

i resolve the problem reading the log....
In lotus domino name is Name Surname and i autheticate myself with Name
Surname but ZendTo (or ldap) return the name in lowercase so i add 'name
surname' into authAdmins and all works fine.

Is it possible in next release add a parameter for ldap in order to set cn
or uid or other as $uname compare?


On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:

>  Does it let you log in with that username at all?
> All it does is check the username against the elements of the authAdmins
> list.
> And do you have authLDAPAdmins set to the empty string? If it's set, it
> will override whatever you put in authAdmins.
> Jules.
> On 19/11/2012 16:56, tw2006 wrote:
> i comment authLDAPAdmins and add on authAdmins my uid without others value
> 'authAdmins'           => array('NSurname'),
> but it don't recognize my user as an admin
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 5:48 PM, tw2006 <tw2006 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> i tried with no luck, i think i need to change usernameRegexp parameter
>> in order to add space as valid character but i don't know how
>>   On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:
>>> On 19/11/2012 14:20, tw2006 wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>  i'm trying to configure ldap auth with lotus domino ldap server.
>>> my ldap support anonymous from lan so it's very easy to use it and the
>>> parameters that i use is:
>>>   //
>>>   // Settings for the LDAP authenticator.
>>>   //
>>>   'authenticator'         => 'LDAP',
>>>   'authLDAPBaseDN'        => 'o=company,c=it',
>>>   'authLDAPServers'       => array('ldap.company.com'),
>>>   'authLDAPAccountSuffix' => '',
>>>   'authLDAPUseSSL'        => false,
>>>   'authLDAPBindDn'        => '',
>>>   'authLDAPBindPass'      => '',
>>>   // This is the list of LDAP properties used to build the user's full
>>> name
>>>   'authLDAPFullName'      => 'givenName cn',
>>>   'authLDAPOrganization'  => '',
>>>   // If both these 2 settings are set, then the users must be members of
>>> this
>>>   // group/role.
>>>   'authLDAPMemberKey'     => '',
>>>   'authLDAPMemberRole'    => '',
>>>   'authLDAPAdmins'          => '',
>>> I'm able to login but i must use the uid value as username. The problem
>>> is that my user use Name and Surname as username  that is in cn value
>>>  The code currently assumes you will use uid as the username. To change
>>> this, edit NSSLDAPAuthenticator.php (in /opt/zendto/lib) and edit lines 162
>>> and 264 so that instead of saying "uid=" it says "cn=".
>>> That should do it.
>>> Another question is about authLDAPAdmins, how i can set it?
>>>  You can just set 'authAdmins' instead, that will be used if
>>> authLDAPAdmins is not set.
>>> For example my user is:
>>> cn=Name Surmane
>>> o=company
>>> c=it
>>> uid=NSurname
>>>  Jules
>>> --
>>> Julian Field MEng MBCS CITP CEngwww.Zend.To
>>> Twitter: @JulesFM
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