[ZendTo] Re: Apc entries in phpini.php page
Jules at Zend.To
Fri May 25 09:16:53 BST 2012
On 24/05/2012 19:20, Kevin Miller wrote:
> Jules wrote:
>> On 23/05/2012 23:03, Kevin Miller wrote:
>>> I'm building a CentOS 6.2 64 bit server.
>>> On the http://www.zend.to/phpini.php page, it says to add in the
>>> following to php.ini
>>> apc.rfc1867 = on
>>> apc.max_file_size = 50G
>>> apc.slam_defense = off
>>> It also says to add them into /etc/php.d/apc.ini. Does it need to
>>> go in both places?
>> Probably not, but I just wanted a belt and braces approach in case
>> people don't follow the instructions exactly.
> Ah - better safe than sorry.
>>> There was no apc.ini so I created one. Is there an apc package
>>> that needs to be installed as well?
>> Yes. It's part of the pecl stuff. That should create a apc.ini for
>> you in /etc/php.d.
> That explains it. The centos.php page page says:
> "These next 2 are not for CentOS 6:
> yum remove php php-cli php-common php-imap php-pdo php-ldap php-mysql
> yum install php52-pear php52 php52-cli php52-common php52-devel \
> php52-gd php52-mbstring php52-mcrypt php52-mysql php52-pdo php52-soap \
> php52-xml php52-xmlrpc php52-bcmath php52-pecl-apc php52-pecl-memcache \
> php52-ldap"
> Since I'm doing CentOS 6.2, I skipped those two lines (the lines beginning with yum), hence no pecl stuff. Should I just change the php52-* to php53-* and install them?
Yes, should work.
>>> I haven't yet rebuilt php. Since I'm using 6.2, I expect I should
>>> replace http://mirror.rackspace.com/ius/stable/Redhat/5.5/SRPMS/ with
>>> http://mirror.rackspace.com/ius/stable/Redhat/6/SRPMS/. Do I need to
>>> download everything in that directory that is prefixed with php53u?
>>> (php-5.3.3-3.el6_2.8.x86_64 is what's currently installed.)
>> If all the PHP SRPMs are prefixed with php53u then yes, you might as
>> well download the lot. Can't do much harm.
> OK, thanks...
> ...Kevin
I rebuilt PHP for CentOS 6.2 yesterday. Would you like me to send you
all the RPMs I built?
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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