[ZendTo] ZendTo ANNOUNCE: New stable release 4.10

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu May 24 17:29:27 BST 2012

Evening all!

I have just released ZendTo version 4.10-4 stable.

There are a few minor new features for people and quite a few bug fixes 
and so on too.
There are 2 new preferences.php settings which you should get into your 
preferences.php file when you upgrade (if using apt-get, make sure it 
shows you all the differences so you can make notes!).

Download as usual from

The full Change Log is:

- Added protection against malicious attacks causing massive httpd error log
   files caused by attempts to download non-existent files.
- Added note to outgoing emails saying how long the recipient has to pick up
   the drop-off before it expires.
- Fixed bug where administrators didn't get a "Delete Dropoff" button for
   drop-offs with more than 1 recipient.
- Added new preferences setting 'bccSender' (switched off by default) which
   makes the sender receive a Bcc copy of the email message sent to the 1st
   recipient of each new drop-off.
- Fixed various bugs where it was failing to remember library file
   descriptions set in previous drop-offs.
- Fixed issue with Safari 5.2 betas not restoring input focus correctly.
- Added patch from Francois Conil to handle situation with pickups when
   they use the form to enter drop-off details (no clicked-on link) and
   are not using CAPTCHAs.
- Added new preferences.php setting 'authStats'. Users listed in this group
   can do normal user functions and also see the usage statistics graphs.
   They cannot do any other admin functions.
- Fixed problems with repeated CAPTCHAs being displayed when enforcing
   human-only downloads, particularly when recipient is not logged in, and
   enters claimid and passcode manually (i.e. not using an email link).
- Removed disabling autocommit in MySQL, as I do want automatic COMMIT
   except when I explicitly disable it.
- Fixed problem with some PHP installations incorrectly reporting uploaded
   file sizes.
- Fixed problem with some PHP systems giving errors on ob_flush() when
   downloading dropoffs.

Thanks all!


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654

'It's okay to live without all the answers' - Charlie Eppes, 2011
'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982
'That is the land of lost content,
  I see it shining plain,
  The happy highways where I went,
  And cannot come again.' - A.E. Houseman

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