[ZendTo] Re: Reported Filesizes too small on large files.

Poulton, Stuart W.L. swlp1 at leicester.ac.uk
Thu May 24 11:22:22 BST 2012

No problem.

Thanks for the quick fix, is it available anywhere ?


-----Original Message-----
From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf Of Jules
Sent: 24 May 2012 10:26
To: ZendTo Users
Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Reported Filesizes too small on large files.

I would say so, yes.
But that's a silly way of calculating the file size (taking what the 
browser told us). So I've just changed the code to get it from the size 
of the file that was actually uploaded instead.
Should get rid of that one.

Cheers for pointing this one out!


On 23/05/2012 11:09, Poulton, Stuart W.L. wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing large files>4GB reported with the incorrect size. Here is a worked example.
> Filesize: 4245MB
> Reported size prior to hitting the 'DropOff' button is 4245MB
> Uploaded filesize on filesystem is 4.2G
> However, on the pickup page, the reported filesize is 159MB
> Data in the database (mysql in this case) is as follows
> mysql>  select * from file
>      ->  ;
> +-------+-----+-----------+------------------------------------+---------------+------------------------+---------------------------+
> | rowID | dID | tmpname   | basename                           | lengthInBytes | mimeType               | description               |
> +-------+-----+-----------+------------------------------------+---------------+------------------------+---------------------------+
> |     8 |   8 | phpP9yHDM | SLED-11-SP1-DVD-x86_64-GM-DVD1.iso |     166649856 | application/x-cd-image |                           |
> +-------+-----+-----------+------------------------------------+---------------+------------------------+---------------------------+
> 1 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Am I seeing an 2GB issue with PHP ?
> Stuart
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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