[ZendTo] Re: Unable to Upload large files

Brian Ott Brian.Ott at oicr.on.ca
Fri Mar 9 16:06:28 GMT 2012

On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 09:21:02AM +0000, Jules wrote:
> Brian,

Hey Jules, Thanks for the reply I did some more testing with the same

> On 08/03/2012 20:16, Brian Ott wrote:
> > Hey Jules!
> >
> > We have done some testing on zendto and came across some issues, we
> > would appreciate any help you can provide. It seems we are not able to
> > upload large files around 4G. As explained below our test setup I
> > should also mention we got the same results by accessing the host
> > directly without any load balancers and only using one host.
> Yes, the load balancers shouldn't affect this, as they are just seeing a 
> packet stream.
> Read on...
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> >
> >
> > Here is our setup:
> >
> > (Names and IPs replaced from real ones)
> >
> > We have our zendto setup on two servers (identical) running centos5.
> 64-bit I hope! :-)
> >   I
> > tried running Debian and Cento6 but as mentioned in earlier posts I
> > experienced issues while trying to modify php to large file uploads.
> >
> > I follow the instructions on the website, nothing was done outside of
> > that.
> >
> > Our two servers (zendto-www1&  zendto-ww2) have zendto placed on NFS,
> > and share the mount.
> NFS often doesn't handle files over 4GB very well *at all*. In fact most 
> NFS installations I have seen are totally incapable of handling 4GB 
> files. So that is certainly a starting point, I would make up some large 
> files by hand with something like
>      yes | dd of=BIGFILE bs=1024000 count=5000
> which should give you 5GB of the letter "y" (better test than just 
> zeros) and copy that file to, from and around the NFS mount to check 
> that it can actually handle 5GB files intact. Use "cksum" to quickly 
> checksum them against the original.

Alright I Moved zendto on one server off NFS, everything is now local
I just kept the DATA dir on nfs so the complete downloads would be put
there. However 'incomplete' go to /var/zendto/incoming. 

> >   We use MySQL as the database and its on another
> > host.
> That's fine.
> >
> > here are some of our php.ini settings:
> >
> > post_max_size = 50000M
> > file_uploads = On
> > upload_tmp_dir = /nfs/zendto/zendto_files/incoming
> > upload_max_filesize = 50G
> > default_socket_timeout = 6000
> > max_execution_time = 12000     ; Maximum execution time of each
> > script, in seconds
> > max_input_time = 12000  ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend
> > parsing request data
> > memory_limit = 1000M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may
> > consume (16MB)
> That looks okay. Also make sure your apc.ini has the relevant settings 
> for apc.max_file_size=50G, apc.slam_defense=off and such like as 
> documented on zend.to.
> >
Verified they are as such. 

> >
> > The server itself has 4G of ram (each of them).
> >
> > Problem
> > ----------
> >
> > Before we wanted to roll this out here into production our final step
> > was to do some testing, here is what we found.
> >
> > - Uploading files under 2G works fine under all Browsers
> Correct.
> > - Upload/Download speed is a little slow, transferring from the box
> >    using SCP is almost double the speed.
> That's down to the browsers mostly. But it will also be caused by your 
> NFS as that doubles the amount of network traffic having to happen for 
> the upload.
> > - Uploading 2.5G-3G files fails on IE, Safari&  Firefox.
> Yes, it will, certainly on 32-bit Windows.
> > - Chrome uploads 3G+ files fine in Linux but not Windows
> Yes, certainly on 32-bit Windows. You don't say whether you're using 
> 32-bit or 64-bit Windows. IE9 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit does work, as 
> does Chrome. But IE9 is the *only* 64-bit browser, even on 64-bit 
> Windows. If you look in Task Manager on Windows 64-bit you will see that 
> Chrome is only a 32-bit process.
> And 2^32 (max representable in an unsigned int) is 4GB. Most coders use 
> ints (which are signed) through laziness, so giving a max of 2^31 = 2GB. 
> That's where the limits come from.
> >
> > What seems to happen is the following:
> >
> > 90% of the time for IE/Firefox users the connection gets reset after a
> > few seconds (maybe 30 seconds?) then takes them from verify.php to
> > dropoff.php. The user gets prompted with the popup saying "This page
> > is asking you to confirm that you want to leave etc" With two
> > selections of either "Leave Page" or "Stay on Page".
> >
> > Leave page obviously takes them to dropoff.php with a "Connection
> > Reset" page and the file upload fails. If they choose "Stay on Page"
> > they stay on "verify.php" but nothing happens and the file never
> > uploads.
> >
> > The other issue is for Chrome users on Windows, and sometimes on Linux
> > where at any percentage of a large file upload the page will have a
> > popup saying the page is not responding and if you want to "Kill it"
> > or "wait" if you select wait sometimes it will resume the upload till
> > complete. However we have had some tests where it did not on Windows
> > and just ended up having to be killed.
> >
> > I can enable any logging required or provide any information in
> > private. We would really like your help with this as we do like this
> > product and want to roll it out into Production.
> You need 64-bit Windows with 64-bit-IE9 or Chrome to reliably do >4GB 
> uploads.
> This is entirely caused by lots of bugs in lots of browsers. As it's not 
> a big marketing feature, the vendors put no effort into this area of 
> their code, so it gets better *very* slowly.
> And unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that. You have to be 
> using 64-bit Windows if you want to use Windows for any >4GB uploads to 
> any website.
> The Mac browsers fare far better, as OS X has been 64-bit-only for so 
> much longer. I use a Mac and everything, as they say, "just works". 
> 32-bit apps rarely exist on OS X any more.
> Linux is somewhere in between right now.
> I hope that helps, even though I can't necessarily give you a "quick 
> fix" setting change to apply.

All out tests were done in 64bit OSES and Browsers. 

Test Enviroment: 

5 Windows 7 64 Bit OSES using Firefox/Chrome/IE9 
4 Linux Systems 64 using Chrome/Firefox
2 OSX Systems 64 using Safari

Also our CentOS servers are 64bit 
Linux dropoff-www1 2.6.18-274.12.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Nov 29 13:37:46 EST
2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I did notice that when I do start an upload in firefox then check the
'incoming' directories they are empty. If I then check the log I see I
logged in but nothing else. I then check the 'dropoffs' directory and
it contains no upload. 

I ran TCPDUMP and when I do try to do an upload I am seeing lots of
traffic until I get that prompt saying: 

"This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you
have entered may not be saved" "Stay on page" or "Leave Page"

Then all the traffic stops. I can get this error within a few seconds
of starting the upload (maybe 20-30 seconds?) 

> Cheers,
> Jules
> -- 
> Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
> www.Zend.To
> Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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Brian Ott
Unix System Administrator

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
MaRS Centre, South Tower
101 College Street, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 0A3

Telephone:	647-260-7977
Email:		brian.ott at oicr.on.ca

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