[ZendTo] Re: upgrading

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon Jun 18 12:08:47 BST 2012

On 14/06/2012 13:01, John Cooper wrote:
> Hi, upgrading from source 4.06 to 4.10
> Is it better to overwrite current directory or move the old one and
> create new, then update the new?
I would
cd /opt
mv zendto zendto-4.06
mkdir zendto-4.10
ln -s zendto-4.10 zendto
and then install the new one under /opt/zendto-4.10.

> I've used meld to compare all the differences and tested an upgrade and
> seems to be ok creating a new directory.
> I'm using mysql so I have imported the sql/zendto.MySQL to the current
> DB to create any new tables.
> Is there anything else I need to know about upgrading, like RRD graphs?
The RRD graphs should carry on working just as before, everything needed 
is under /opt/zendto and /var/zendto is where the RRD data is stored, 
which will just continue working.


> Thanks, John.
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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