[ZendTo] Re: Timeout Issue

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Jan 25 14:17:49 GMT 2012

A frequent cause of this is the timezone being wrong, as the session has 
expired before the file has been uploaded. Also check the timeouts in 
your php.ini and preferences.php to make sure they are several hours, 
not just a few minutes.


On 25/01/2012 09:42, Thomas Bolliger wrote:
> Hello Jules,
> We have ZendTo 4.05 in Place. It's working as expected usually.
> When uploading big Files or the Link is very slow (which actually is 
> the case from the internal Network to the ZendTo Server) we get Error 
> Messages like attached.
> Because it's working with a good connection, I guess it's not a 
> general Problem with the Config.
> Is there a possibility to set a Timeout, so that it's working from a 
> slower Connection?
> Thank you
> Thomas
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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