[ZendTo] Re: Large Files and Rebuilding libphp5.so

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Jan 3 15:07:22 GMT 2012

Are you sure your MySQL server is actually running? Not a clue how to 
start it in Debian, but you should check that the mysqld is actually 


On 22/12/2011 21:34, Brian Ott wrote:
> Hello!
> I've gone through the archives to make sure this wasn't already
> addressed. I'm on Debian 6 (Squeeze) using PHP 5.3.3. I followed the
> link here http://www.zend.to/phpfix.php in rebuilding libphp5.so.
> For the most part it works except near the end it fails:
> ----------------------
> Build complete.
> Don't forget to run 'make test'.
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/php5-5.3.3/cli-build'
> touch build-cli-stamp
> mkdir -p temp_session_store
> # start our own mysql server for the tests
> /bin/sh debian/setup-mysql.sh 1025 /usr/local/src/php5-5.3.3/mysql_db
> Timed out waiting for mysql server to be available
> kill: 65: No such process
> kill: 65: No such process
> make: *** [test-results.txt] Error 1
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2
> ---------------------
> On that page you state for Ubuntu 11 that to ignore any erorrs so I
> figured on Deb 6 I should do the same since it does say 'Build
> complete'.
> I copied over the file in 'apache2-build/.libs/libphp5.so' to the right
> directory '/usr/lib/apache2/modules/'
> - Made sure permissions were the same as previous
> - Restarted Apache2
> Now to mention before doing this everything worked well, I could login
> with LDAP credentials and could upload/grab files without any issues
> except for files over 2G.
> After doing this on Debian I can't even login, it just returns me back
> to the page and if I do just a regular dropoff without authentication
> then I can click on 'dropoff' fill out the info (name, organization
> and email); however the next page returns an error
> ------------------
> No data received
> Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
> Here are some suggestions:
> Reload this web page later.
> Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection
> without sending any data.
> ------------------
> That is all I see on the page. I'm using Chrome as my main browser,
> when I tried with firefox I can't submit the info because the
> reCaptcha doesn't show up. I just see on the bottom of the page where
> the captcha would be "Input error: Invalid referer" yet in chrome I
> see it.
> Some help would be appreciated =\
> Also to mention even with the old libphp5.so firefox doesn't show the
> reCaptcha


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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