[ZendTo] Punctuation in usernames

Sallee, Stephen (Jake) Jake.Sallee at umhb.edu
Thu Aug 2 14:37:30 BST 2012

Hello list!

I just installed zendto and it is amazing!  I am very pleased with it.  However I have run across a problem, it would seem that ZendTo cannot handle punctuation in a user name.

I have tested it quite thoroughly and can reproduce the behavior 100%.


1)      Config zendto for local auth (this is for ease of testing as it happened to me with AD Auth too)

2)      Add users test.test and testtest

3)      Attempt to login with both accounts

test.test will NOT be able to login, but testtest will.

How do I go about fixing this?

Jake Sallee
Godfather of Bandwidth
System Engineer
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
900 College St.
Belton TX. 76513
Fone: 254-295-4658
Phax: 254-295-4221

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