[ZendTo] {Disarmed} Re: Multi-homed install

Dave Jones dave at jonesol.com
Sun Sep 25 13:14:01 BST 2011

The external return traffic is not going the right direction.  Put your
default gateway on eth1 and setup static routes on eth2 for any internal
networks that aren't on the subnet.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 5:41 AM, Paul Harrington
<Paul.Harrington at nmni.com>wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have a ZendTo Ubuntu VM installed with one nic connected to the internal
> network so it can authenticate internal users on our AD, I then have the
> other nic on the public IP so that it is available from the internet.
> I need to ensure requests sent through the public IP are returned via that
> nic, and not that on the internal nic.
> At the moment, my configuration is as follows, which works for the most,
> but the box cannot access the internet and therefore cannot send the entry
> to the reCAPTCHA servers, and apt-get update just times out. I cannot ping
> etc either
> The eth1 address is on our DMZ and is mapped to a public IP by our
> firewall. If I put the gateway on the LAN nic, the box can access the
> internet, but then it is no longer reachable externally.
> iface eth2 inet static
> address
> netmask
> network
> dns-nameservers
> post-up route add -net netmask gw
> pre-down route del -net netmask gw
> iface eth1 inet static
> address
> netmask
> network
> gateway
> Paul Harrington
> ICT Officer
> National Museums Northern Ireland
> Cultra, Holywood, Co. Down, BT18 0EU
> T - 028 9039 5281
> E - paul.harrington at nmni.com
> [http://www.nmni.com/images/nationalmuseumslogo.gif]
> www.nmni.com<http://www.nmni.com>
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