[ZendTo] Re: > 2GB upload woes

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sat Oct 15 14:16:33 BST 2011

I've just done a bit more testing of large files on Windows.

Given a 7.5GB file, here's the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of what 
happens on Windows 7 64-bit:

Chrome - Good: Gets upload percentage less wrong than IE9, completes 
Safari - Functional: Warns about a division by zero instead of 
displaying the progress bar, completes perfectly.
IE9 - Bad: Gets upload percentage badly wrong, hangs at the end.
Firefox - Ugly: Never even starts sending the file at all.

So if you want to use Windows 7 64-bit, I suggest you use Chrome.


P.S. I will be releasing CentOS 6 versions of the VM builds very shortly.

On 14/10/2011 14:26, Jules wrote:
> I just went through my own instructions on the website. I had to make 
> the odd tiny change for things like it failing to get the 
> php-pear-pecl SRPM and the odd thing like that (I have fixed the 
> instructions to they are better), but basically everything worked as 
> advertised.
> At the end I have installed the RPMs and got everything working.
> To test it I uploaded a 7.8GB file and it worked fine from Safari on a 
> Mac. So the PHP is definitely working, anything left over is the 
> browser's fault.
> If you want to use what I have built, attached is the (gzipped) 
> libphp5.so file from /usr/lib64/httpd/modules.
> On 13/10/2011 15:42, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
>> lol :) that is what we have done. 4GB was fine but anything more than 
>> that it freezes up. will try and strace the process. Thanks Jules.
> Jules


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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