[ZendTo] Re: > 2GB upload woes
Jules at Zend.To
Thu Oct 13 20:16:54 BST 2011
If I get time over the next few days, I'll very carefully go through the
phpfix process on CentOS 6.0 and see if I can get to the bottom of it.
It worked on RHEL 6, so something has obviously subtly changed.
If you don't hear back by Monday, start hassling me about it (but gently
please! :-)
On 13/10/2011 15:42, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> lol :) that is what we have done. 4GB was fine but anything more than that it freezes up. will try and strace the process. Thanks Jules.
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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