[ZendTo] Re: > 2GB upload woes
Jules at Zend.To
Wed Oct 5 15:08:07 BST 2011
That's the big problem with >2GB uploads, a large proportion of browsers
don't support it. Fortunately here most people have been moved to 64-bit
Windows 7, and so can do it with IE9 64-bit. And for Macs it's a no-brainer.
Bummer, huh?
On 05/10/2011 13:33, John Cooper wrote:
> Hi Jules,
> I tried it on 64bit Firefox and still the same. As most of the users
> will be on 32bit I've decided it is not worth the support hassle of
> allowing>2GB files so I've set it back to 2GB only.
> Thanks, John.
> On 04/10/11 14:20, Jules wrote:
>> That sounds like a Firefox problem.
>> Try it on Windows in IE9-64bit or on a Mac with Safari (running a modern
>> version of Mac OS).
>> You need a 64-bit OS with a 64-bit browser. Firefox isn't always very
>> good at this.
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