[ZendTo] Re: New user interface! -- 1st beta

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Thu Mar 31 21:26:36 BST 2011

I have come up with a trivial solution to this.
If you are using a local IP (and hence have the popup login box), and 
you click on the "login" button in the main menu, you just get a page 
that has the popup login box on it but otherwise just says "Please login 

Only 1 username+password box, so users don't get confused.
And they will realise that next time they can just use the popup login 
box (i.e. the long thin one) and save themselves a click.

Seems neat and simple to me. You too?


On 31/03/2011 10:08, Barry Kwok wrote:
> Jules,
> I understand what you are going to after I set the localIPSubnets. 
>  But my opinion is that it is still confusing.
> 1. for a localip user, it will have the long thin username+password 
> box in index.php page. BUT it also ask "If  you are XXX user, you may 
> login here:.
> 2. My first move after seeing that message is to click the blue color 
> button below (instead of login through the long thin box above).
> 3. It will go to a login page with TWO login boxes which  I think is 
> more confusing.
> Is it possible in step 1 above to detect local ip address user and 
> prompt a page with LOGIN only . (ie no dropoff and pickup button)
> --Barry
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Jules <Jules at zend.to 
> <mailto:Jules at zend.to>> wrote:
>     No, it's not a bug.
>     If you are coming from an IP address on your PC that matches the
>     localIPSubnets setting in preferences.php, it suggests you login,
>     as you probably can. It does this by displaying the long thin
>     username+password box when you are looking at index.php and have
>     not logged in.
>     This is all just to encourage you to login, as some users get
>     confused that the main menu says that they can still send files to
>     people, but they have to go through the email+human verification
>     procedures to do it, which is awkward. So it strongly encourages
>     you to login first.
>     Users would not normally see the 2 login methods on screen at the
>     same time, as they will have logged in from the main menu (the
>     home page of the site) using the long thin login box you see.
>     Hope that explains it. We've been racking our brains to find a way
>     of suggesting to local users that they login first, before doing
>     anything else. This is the best we could find.
>     Jules.
>     On 31/03/2011 08:59, Barry Kwok wrote:
>>     The new user interface is Great!
>>      I found that when I click the blue color "login" button in Home
>>     page, it go to login page.But when I click "Login" again at the
>>     top menu bar. The interface become as attached. Is it a bug?
>>     --barry
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>     Jules
>     -- 
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654

'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982

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