[ZendTo] Re: Local IP and Request Code

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Mon Mar 21 09:08:05 GMT 2011

On 21/03/2011 08:47, Barry Kwok wrote:
> 2. Request code
> Should it be more easier to dictate over phone If use *digits 
> *instead. (eg. 5 digits. I think it is secure enough)
It would need to be a lot more than 5 digits. Imagine what happens if 
someone tries to break it with 10,000 PCs all trying 5 numbers per 
second, which is quite possible. You need to be proof against 
massive-scale attacks like that, or they can and will brute-force it. I 
would say 9 digits at least. At which point 3 words are probably more 
reliably input.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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