[ZendTo] Re: AD Connector

JC Putter jcputter at numata.co.za
Mon Jan 31 09:42:18 GMT 2011

Thank Jules!!!


My BaseDN was incorrect!


From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf Of
Sent: 27 January 2011 01:36 PM
To: ZendTo Users
Subject: [ZendTo] Re: AD Connector


I strongly suspect your DN1 string is too short. There should be some "OU"
definitions in there too.

On 27/01/2011 09:45, JC Putter wrote: 



I am using version 3.63, I am unable to get AD authentication to work, here
is an example of my connector.



'authenticator'             => 'AD',

  'authLDAPAdmins'            => array('dropoff'),

  'authLDAPBaseDN1'           => 'DC=ad,DC=example,DC=com',

  'authLDAPServers1'          => array('ad1.example.com'),

  'authLDAPAccountSuffix1'    => '@example.com',

  'authLDAPUseSSL1'           => false,

  'authLDAPBindUser1'         => 'dropoff',

  'authLDAPBindPass1'         => 'password',

  'authLDAPOrganization1'     => 'Example',


The login page tells me "Username or Password is incorrect"


Any ideas?


Thank you

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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
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