[ZendTo] Re: Administrator Auth
Jules at Zend.To
Thu Feb 24 11:03:50 GMT 2011
On 24/02/2011 09:33, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> If you look in preferences.php, you will find settings
>> authIMAPAdmins
>> authLocalAdmins
>> authLDAPAdmins
>> and put a list of usernames in each one, depending on which
>> authentication system you are using. If you are using local auth
>> (i.e.
>> the SQL table) then look in /opt/zendto/bin for the commands that
>> will
>> let you edit the table of users.
>> When you log in as an admin, you can see all drop-offs, stats and so
>> on
>> (the buttons have a different background colour).
>> Jules.
>> P.S. Until I update them in a day or two, the VMs of the 3.70 and
>> 3.71
>> build aren't quite up to date, but the deb, rpm and tgz packages are
>> up
>> to date. Or else go with the older build that is also available until
>> I
>> get them sorted out. Just lack of time :-)
>> On 23/02/2011 21:06, Jason Manous wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I'm brand new to the Zend.To party so forgive me if this was
>>> posted
>>> and I just didn't find it in the archives.
>>> I've got everything up and running and I can upload files, etc. but
>>> I
>>> seem to be missing the part where I can log in as an administrator
>>> and
>>> do other duties that I keep reading about.
>>> Is this stuff simply command line based at this point or is there
>>> actually a way to set up an admin level user?
>>> Many Thanks.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jason Manous
> Hmm, added my ID to the authLDAPAdmins Jules and yet when I sign in I only see the normal screen ?
In which case something is wrong with the username you gave it. The
username has to match the one you logged in as, and editing
authLDAPAdmins will only take effect after you have logged out of ZendTo
and logged back in again. You're aren't over-riding the value of
authLDAPAdmins elsewhere in the preferences.php file are you?
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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