[ZendTo] Re: Administrator Auth

Jason Manous jcmanous at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 21:16:17 GMT 2011

Oi. Missed that very obvious point. Thanks!
On Feb 23, 2011 4:13 PM, "Jules" <Jules at zend.to> wrote:
> If you look in preferences.php, you will find settings
> authIMAPAdmins
> authLocalAdmins
> authLDAPAdmins
> and put a list of usernames in each one, depending on which
> authentication system you are using. If you are using local auth (i.e.
> the SQL table) then look in /opt/zendto/bin for the commands that will
> let you edit the table of users.
> When you log in as an admin, you can see all drop-offs, stats and so on
> (the buttons have a different background colour).
> Jules.
> P.S. Until I update them in a day or two, the VMs of the 3.70 and 3.71
> build aren't quite up to date, but the deb, rpm and tgz packages are up
> to date. Or else go with the older build that is also available until I
> get them sorted out. Just lack of time :-)
> On 23/02/2011 21:06, Jason Manous wrote:
>> All,
>> I'm brand new to the Zend.To party so forgive me if this was posted
>> and I just didn't find it in the archives.
>> I've got everything up and running and I can upload files, etc. but I
>> seem to be missing the part where I can log in as an administrator and
>> do other duties that I keep reading about.
>> Is this stuff simply command line based at this point or is there
>> actually a way to set up an admin level user?
>> Many Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Jason Manous
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> Jules
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