[ZendTo] Re: New Request File Functionality

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Wed Feb 23 16:33:58 GMT 2011

I have just fixed all sorts of bugs in the new features in 3.70 and 
released rpm, deb and tgz packages of 3.71.

Suggest you try the new code.

Sorry about that, have done a lot more testing this time. :)

I have always worked on "Release early, Release often". So I keep the 
last known stable version on the web site too, and you can live on the 
bleeding edge if you don't mind getting paper-cuts occasionally.


On 23/02/2011 14:25, --[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> Jules,
>>> Have just installed a ZendTo server and having an issue with the
>>> new
>>> request file functionality. I receive the email, click the link,
>>> and
>>> then fill in the details and select the file to drop off. I then
>>> get
>>> the error:
>>> "Upload Error
>>> Failed to read your verification information. Your drop-off session
>>> has probably expired. Please start again."
>>> I have tried performing a normal drop off and that works fine.
>>> Any thoughts ?
>> Is the new functionality in 3.70 working for others ?
> Jules, perhaps it is me? Looking at the dropoff code I see the following:
>       // JKF Get the above from the auth database
>        if ( ! $this->_dropbox->ReadAuthData($auth,
>                                             $senderName,
>                                             $senderEmail,
>                                             $senderOrganization,
>                                             $expiry) ) {
>          return $smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorReadAuth');
>        }
>        if ($expiry<  time()) {
>          return $smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorReadAuth');
>          $this->_dropbox->DeleteAuthData($auth);
>        }
> Does the user who has been asked to drop off a file have to exist in the database ? If that be correct then is it possible for the source email address to be validated against an LDAP source ?


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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