[ZendTo] Re: ZendTo 3.70 released

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Tue Feb 22 09:32:27 GMT 2011

On 21/02/2011 21:12, Duncan, Brian M. wrote:
> Thanks
> I updated to the new version.  Not having great results, and turning 
> the progress bars off results in worse results.
> With progress bars turned on 'useRealProgressBar'   => TRUE, uploads 
> work fine up to around 850 megabytes still.
> With progress bars turned on, this is what a 950 meg upload displays 
> after like 30% of the file is being uploaded:  And when the upload 
> does finish zendto acts like a file was never sent the progress bar
> goes away and you are back at the point that you can select the file 
> you want to drop off. (The drop off summary page that normally comes 
> up at the end of an upload, does not come up)
I'm afraid I am no more wise than you on this problem, it's loads of 
bugs both in the browsers and in the APC php module. I'm still looking 
for a better way of doing this, am hoping that my friend who is 
redesigning the UI will have better luck finding me a method that 
actually works.
> When I turn the progress bar off in the 
> preferences('useRealProgressBar'   => FALSE,) I get an error on the 
> page when I try to drop a file off (it does not upload) and it just 
> stays at the animated gif for ever.
That one I can fix. I made a little cock-up in the new_dropoff.tpl 
template file, missed out a necessary "if" statement.
If you take the attached file, gunzip it, then
     cd /opt/zendto/templates
     patch -p0 < new_dropoff.patch
it will add the "if" statement and then uploads will work again with the 
animated image.

I'll push out a 3.70-2 build in the next hour or so for you.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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