[ZendTo] Re: Release 3.64 with upload progress bars

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sun Feb 20 16:07:50 GMT 2011

I'll take a look at that, for sure.
Unfortunately it's its own PECL addition, not a standard one for which 
RPMs and DEBs already exist. Which makes installing it harder, unless I 
build my own RPM and DEB for it as well as everything else. :/

BTW I have also created a .deb package of ZendTo so it is easier to 
install and upgrade in Ubuntu or Debian environments. I'll put it on the 
website very soon so you can test it.

On 20/02/2011 15:49, Alessandro Bianchi wrote:
> Jules
> Sorry for pointing in the wrong direction.
> Take a look at this:
> http://www.nixbox.com/demos/jquery-uploadprogress.php
> It uses jquery and a pecl extension.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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