[ZendTo] Re: Release 3.64 with upload progress bars

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Sun Feb 20 13:54:19 GMT 2011

Thanks for that. I'll come back to progress bars in a little while. For 
now I have added a switch to turn them off and use the animated image 
instead. The "starting at 100" problem is most weird, I still don't see 
this but I've got Gb between the machines I'm testing on.

On a different topic, one thing I have been asked for is a way to send 
"please send me some files" messages to folks, for help with customer 
support ticketing systems. So it's all written and working okay.

You fill in the form and they get sent an email with content you 
specify, that contains a link for them to click on. When they follow the 
link, they get a pre-filled 'new dropoff' form, to make it dead easy for 
them to use. You get to specify the Subject: line on the email to the 
customer, and when they drop off files for you the Subject: line is 
preserved so the email goes into the right ticket's work log.

Much more work is needed on progress bars, they're a right thorn in my 
side at the moment. :-(


On 18/02/2011 18:18, Alessandro Bianchi wrote:
> Julian
> Take a look at this :
> http://www.webdavsystem.com/server/documentation/upload/ajax_upload_progress_bar
> This is  just one example but you may  find many others
> Hope this may help
> Best regards
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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