[ZendTo] Re: Release 3.64 with upload progress bars

Jules Jules at Zend.To
Fri Feb 18 09:53:41 GMT 2011

> We had any sort of troubles and errors using APC.
> We adopted it enthusiastcally some months ago, but ,in  my personal 
> experience, APC looks fantastic, but it seems to have so many bugs 
> that we were forced to remove it from our cluster and use eAccelerator 
> instead.
I'm not using it as any form of cache or accelerator, purely to get the 
number of bytes of upload that have been done, as that appears to be the 
only way I could find of doing it. If you know of other methods of 
achieving this exact feature, I would be most interested.

Brian --- With your uploading-large-files problem, how long did the 
working and non-working uploads take? It might be nothing more than a 
timeout problem.

I'll do some more testing with big files and see what happens.
> This may have been something specific whith our Fedora based servers, 
> but i'd like to say, as a personal opinion and without any sort of 
> polemic, that an excellent product as ZendTo should  base itself on 
> something more portable and should not "lock"  an important aspect as 
> PHP caching to a specific package.
That's not what I'm using it for.
> I may suggest to look at some sort of ajax update, like xajax or any 
> other library.
The snag is PHP being able to get the number of bytes uploaded so far so 
that it can feed it back to the Ajax code. That's all I'm using it for.
> Anyway we removed the progress bar from the UI since not using APC it 
> doesn't work.
How about I make an on/off switch for the "real" progress bar, and just 
use the animated GIF if it's disabled?


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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