[ZendTo] Re: Possibility of a Library

Julian Adler Julian.Adler at vectra-corp.com
Fri Dec 9 05:46:02 GMT 2011


Have put the new build on and the library is working great!

Couple of little things, when the user is sent a request, and uses that the send a file the "To:" box does not work and is not populated by the user that sent the request,

Also when an external user connects they can select a file from the library, to send to the internal users, is there a way of hiding the drop down box for not logged in users?

Working on getting a donation organised for you too!


Julian Adler

From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf Of Jules
Sent: Friday, 9 December 2011 8:13 AM
To: ZendTo Users
Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Possibility of a Library

And I have just documented briefly how to setup WebDAV so that your administrators can easily manage the "library of files" at

I hope you find this whole feature useful, it does appear that quite a few people wanted it!


P.S. All donations are extremely welcome  :-)

On 08/12/2011 15:26, Jules wrote:
Take a look at version 4.08-1 on the website. It's all done.
You need to switch on 1 option in the preferences.php (it's called something like 'usingLibrary'), and put your files in /var/zendto/library (and make sure the web server can read them).

I'll write something up very soon about creating a WebDAV directory for this, but it's very simple and there are some very straightforward guides on the web, just look for "apache webdav ubuntu" or "apache webdav centos" and you'll quickly find how to do it.

If you leave 'usingLibrary' switched off (set to FALSE), then you'll notice nothing different about the user interface.

If you are using MySQL and want to use this feature, you have to run the 2nd "mysql" command in /opt/zendto/sql/README.MySQL again to create the new table this requires.

The description that goes with each file will be blank to start with, but it will remember whatever you set it to in the "new drop-off" page. So there's no extra index of descriptions that you have to edit, it just remembers what anyone used last time.

This code should be considered beta at the moment.

Any problems, issues or comments, do let me know straightaway.


On 06/12/2011 12:56, Ortt, Richard wrote:
This sounds like what we did with Pogoplug Biz (however the Biz product doesn't really work).

I would like to see the current single user upload to single/multiple users as it is now and the static library which can be shared as described.

For the library portion, it would also be nice if that could map to a webdav library.  That would allow users to upload files easily (even map into windows file explorer), and then use an interface to share the files.

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 03:51:14 +0000
From: Julian Adler <Julian.Adler at vectra-corp.com><mailto:Julian.Adler at vectra-corp.com>
Subject: [ZendTo]  Possibility of a Library
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Hi Jules,

I have just started setting up a Zend.to box and have it all working well! Fantastic work!

I was considering our requirements and one thing that we come across frequently is the need to send the same file to lots of people. Not necessarily at the same time like a multiple drop off. And I was thinking that an admin run library of "official files" that any user could create a new drop off for would be a really nifty way of achieving this. A critical distinction between the multiple dropoff and a library use is the different dropoff codes for each user entered instead of a single code for a multiple. This would allow the tracking of each request for pickup individually. The created dropoff shoudl expire with the regular timeframe.

For example an IT company has a pre-confiured remote support program that they send to a user when they need remote help, this file is the same for everyone. At the moment a new request needs to be created and the file dropped off everytime. This same scenario with a library the user would login, select the library and then create a new dropoff with the clients email of the file from the library. The original file is stored on the Zend.to box and is not subject to manipulation except by administrators.



Julian Adler

Richard A. Ortt, Jr. <mailto:rortt at dnr.state.md.us>  | Office 410.554.5541
Engineer              | Fax 410.554.5502
Coastal & Estuarine Geology
Maryland Geological Survey
2300 St. Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21218


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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng


Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM

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'It's okay to live without all the answers' - Charlie Eppes, 2011

'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982

'That is the land of lost content,

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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng


Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM

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'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982

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