[ZendTo] Re: AD settings

John Cooper johnpcooper at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 08:53:59 BST 2011

On 18/04/11 14:06, Jules wrote:
> sAMAccountName isn't already defined in your AD? That's odd...
> It should be pretty much the same as the username.
> On 18/04/2011 14:02, John Cooper wrote:
>> Hi, I need to set additional attributes for our AD similar to
>> 'firstnamefield','givenName'
>> 'surnamefield','sn'
>> 'user_attribute','sAMAccountName'
>> It looks like I can use
>> 'authLDAPFullName'      => 'givenName sn',
>> but how can I define sAMAccountName?
>> Thanks, John.

Checked the Moodle settings and it has this override setting that we need.

User attribute 	*sAMAccountName*	Optional: Overrides the attribute used to name/search users. Usually 'cn'.

Does anyone else use this or is it something that would need coding in 
to zendto?

Thanks, John.

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