[ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install

Elston, Ian I.Elston at bolton.ac.uk
Mon Apr 18 14:44:12 BST 2011

Cheers Jules. 

If there were any doubt that I am a numpty, this proves it.  The fix

service iptables stop. 

When I did that, all the attempts I'd tested with flew into my test

I hadn't allowed an exception for smtp in iptables. I didn't realise it
would try and connect to itself. 


Ian Elston
Networks & Developments
The University of Bolton

-----Original Message-----
From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf
Of Jules
Sent: 18 April 2011 13:55
To: ZendTo Users
Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install

On 18/04/2011 13:39, Elston, Ian wrote:
> Hi
> Edited the file, copied to /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
> Service sendmail restart (warns about *** WARNING:
> FEATURE(`promiscuous_relay')  so must be reading new file)
Yes, that's fine. But it should only be listening on and not 
on all interfaces, so this shouldn't be an issue.
> I still get the same lines in maillog
> Apr 18 13:31:18 mumford sendmail[8390]: p3ICVFYS008390: to=<address>,
> ctladdr=apache (48/48), delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=relay,
> pri=30684, relay=[] [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred:
> []: No route to host
In which case something is screwed in your DNS, IP or routing setup. I 
have used that sendmail.mc file countless times myself, and it has 
always worked fine. To say it can't route to is rather bizarre

to say the least!
> However if I telnet to the smtp host (using the same FQDN as in the
> sendmail.mc file) port 25 I get the STMP banner etc. I can send a mail
> from zendto at domain to internal and external accounts.
> Ian
> ------
> Ian Elston
> Networks&  Developments
> The University of Bolton
> http://www.bolton.ac.uk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf
> Of Jules
> Sent: 15 April 2011 15:35
> To: ZendTo Users
> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
> In which case, here is my minimal sendmail.mc file that will just punt
> all mail off to your main SMTP server.
> If you gunzip the file and then read it, you will see there is 1
> to change (currently set to "smtp.yourdomain.com"), and then use that
> your sendmail.mc file.
> Jules.
> On 15/04/2011 14:58, Elston, Ian wrote:
>>> After doing the "make" you need to "service sendmail restart" as
>> to make it re-read the configuration.
>> Done, still no worky. Same error on queue. :(
>> --
>> ------
>> Ian Elston
>> Networks&   Developments
>> The University of Bolton
>> http://www.bolton.ac.uk
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
>> Of Jules
>> Sent: 15 April 2011 14:47
>> To: ZendTo Users
>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>> On 15/04/2011 14:22, Elston, Ian wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Re. the local - IPs - you say that the 3.90+ version is in Beta, but
>>> this is 3.74 from yum.
>> Ah yes. It is used in the new user interface which is still in beta
>> until this weekend.
>>> The AD /group authentication - it works, but it just gives 4 errors,
>> not
>>> 1.
>> Okay, thanks for that. I probably won't have time now, but will try
>> get to it over the weekend.
>>> Re. mail - I've edited the sendmail.mc, ran the make and yeah, it
>> works,
>>> if I less the sendmail.cf I can see that the hostname has changed
>>> (for the sake of testing I changed it to the IP). Mail still doesn't
>>> get delivered though.
>> After doing the "make" you need to "service sendmail restart" as well
>> to
>> make it re-read the configuration.
>>>     If I check /var/log/maillog it's complaining about 'no route to
>>> host' .  Is there something else to configure in sendmail?
>> The
>>> zendto server can lookup my smtp server, and I can complete the
>>> transaction via telnet using the same sending address. So it appears
>>> sendmail can't route to the smtp server.
>>> " Apr 15 14:17:00 mumford sendmail[27299]: p3FDH0aw027299:
>> from=apache,
>>> size=688, class=0, nrcpts=1,
>>> msgid=<201104151317.p3FDH0aw027299 at mumford.bolton.ac.uk>,
>>> relay=apache at localhost
>>> Apr 15 14:17:03 mumford sendmail[27299]: p3FDH0aw027299:
>>> to=ian.elston at gmail.com, ctladdr=apache (48/48), delay=00:00:03,
>>> xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=relay, pri=30688, relay=[]
>> [],
>>> dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: []: No route to host"
>>> Re. Graphs - indeed they are there now.
>> Cool. But I will look into the missing png file though. As you say,
>> this
>> shouldn't happen!
>> Cheers,
>> Jules.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
>>> Behalf Of Jules
>>> Sent: 15 April 2011 12:48
>>> To: ZendTo Users
>>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>>> On 14/04/2011 17:04, Elston, Ian wrote:
>>>> Sorry, I am an idiot. More proper-reading of the documentation
>>> I'd
>>>> missed updating PHP to 52.
>>>> I was getting more errors in error_log which pointed to the line in
>>>> preferences.php which defines local IP addresses. I'd commented
>>> out
>>>> because the documentation says that it wasn't used yet.
>>> It is used in version 3.90 onwards, and I will fix the
>>> Sorry :-(
>>>> Anyway, my authentication (unexpectedly) works. However if I use a
>>> user
>>>> not in the 'ZendTo' AD group I've created/defined, I get 4 errors:
>>>> [error]		Authorisation Failed
>>>> Sorry, you are not authorized to use this service.
>>>> [error] 	LDAP Error
>>>> Check User: Unable to connect to any of the authentication servers;
>>>> could not authenticate user.
>>>> [error] 	LDAP Error
>>>> Check User: Unable to connect to any of the LDAP servers; could not
>>>> authenticate user.
>>>> [error] 	Authentication Error
>>>> The username or password was incorrect
>>> I haven't done much testing on the group requirement, it was a thing
>>> someone else contributed. I will need to double-check that all works
>>> properly. Do bear in mind that the 3.90+ series are still betas at
>>> the moment.
>>>> I have another couple of Questions, I hope you don't mind.
>>>> 1) I mis-configured sendmail - I added the name of the mail server
>> but
>>>> didn't remove the dnl from the start of the line. I assume what I'm
>>>> doing with the 'make' command is recompiling sendmail?
>>> No, just recompiling the sendmail configuration. It turns
>>> into sendmail.cf (which is plain text but not hugely readable unless
>> you
>>> understand sendmail in depth).
>>>>      However if I try
>>>> and do this again once I've edited the sendmail.mc, it says there's
>>>> nothing to do. I tried rpm -e sendmail but it failed, said there
>>>> were dependencies. I can send an email to a gmail account via
>>>> from
>>> the
>>>> zendto server so it's def a sendmail problem.
>>> Make sure do
>>>         cd /etc/mail
>>>         make sendmail.cf
>>> and as long as the modification date on sendmail.mc is newer than
>>> sendmail.cf, it will rebuild sendmail.cf for you.
>>>> 2) the instructions for "Setup Mail" say: "The only change required
>> is
>>>> to remove and "dnl" from the start of the line that defines
>>>> and set the value to the fully qualified name of your SMTP server
>>>> "smarthost" - when it says remove "and dnl" is there a bit missing?
>> Is
>>>> it literally just the 3 letters 'dnl' that need removing?
>>> You just need to make sure the "dnl" word isn't there in that line.
>>> "dnl" comments out the rest of the line, so you need to un-comment
> it.
>>>> 3) for an admin user who checks out the stats, it looks like there
>>>> should be graphs. Error_log says:
>>>> [Thu Apr 14 16:32:15 2011] [error] [client] PHP
>> Warning:
>>>> readfile(/var/zendto/rrd/notfound.png) [<a
>>>> href='function.readfile'>function.readfile</a>]: failed to open
>>> stream:
>>>> No such file or directory in /opt/zendto/www/graph.php on line 68,
>>>> referer: http://zendto.bolton.ac.uk/stats.php?period=month
>>> That's just because it hasn't written any stats yet. Wait a day or
>>> and that should disappear.
>>>> That line 68 says: "readfile(RRD_DATA_DIR.'notfound.png');"
>>>> So I recognise rrd as maybe somthing *else* I missed on the
>>> instructions
>>>> (!)
>>>> So I yum list rrdtool lua-rrdtool perl-rrdtool : and it looks like
>>>> have it installed:
>>>> rrdtool.x86_64     1.4.4-1.el5.rf
>>> installed
>>>> But the /var/zendto/rrd directory is empty. Is this right?
>>> That's okay. It will fill it for you from a cron job run overnight.
>>>> Sorry again for not reading the instructions properly. I struggled
>>> with
>>>> the elinks browser-based downloads, tried to get round it by adding
>>>> repos and using yum, but i think that's how I missed things.
>>> No worries, I still need to improve the docs some more!
>>> Jules.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
>> Behalf
>>>> Of Elston, Ian
>>>> Sent: 14 April 2011 11:08
>>>> To: ZendTo Users
>>>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>>>> Cheers, that fixed it. I did go through the instructions and
>>> I'd
>>>> yum'd a lot of the other packages.  It would be ace if you only had
>> to
>>>> do 'yum install zendto' after adding the other repository(s) and
>>> the
>>>> dependencies were there. Almost easier than the VM... (which I
>>> couldn't
>>>> get to import, but again that might be me/my vCenter). Wouldn't it
>>> make
>>>> updates a lot easier?
>>>> If I go to about.php now the page loads (albeit with reference to
>> ECS,
>>>> which I can fix) I get these errors at the top
>>>> Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2003):
>>> Can't
>>>> connect to MySQL server on 'mumford.bolton.ac.uk' (113) in
>>>> /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 48
>>>> Warning: mysqli_autocommit() [function.mysqli-autocommit]: Couldn't
>>>> fetch mysqli in /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 54
>>>> And at the site root:
>>>> Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2003):
>>> Can't
>>>> connect to MySQL server on 'mumford.bolton.ac.uk' (113) in
>>>> /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 48
>>>> Warning: mysqli_autocommit() [function.mysqli-autocommit]: Couldn't
>>>> fetch mysqli in /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 54
>>>> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
>>>> /opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on line 913
>>>> Next I'm going to wade through the other configs/add the SSL cert.
>> And
>>> I
>>>> don't think my AD authentication settings are anywhere near right.
>>>> I'm weirdly enjoying the challenge though!
>>>> Ian
>> --
>>>> ------
>>>> Ian Elston
>>>> Networks&     Developments
>>>> The University of Bolton
>>>> http://www.bolton.ac.uk
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
>> Behalf
>>>> Of Julian Field
>>>> Sent: 14 April 2011 09:42
>>>> To: ZendTo Users
>>>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>>>> Many thanks for the feedback about the yum/rpm setup, I will try to
>>> fix
>>>> all of that before version 4 goes into production "stable" use.
>>>> As for the mysqli problem, you need to install the package
>>>> php-mysql, then restart httpd with "service httpd restart".
>>>> Any more problems, just yell! :-)
>>> Jules
>> Jules
> Jules
> --
> Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
> www.Zend.To
> Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654

'All programs have a desire to be useful' - Tron, 1982

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