[ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
Elston, Ian
I.Elston at bolton.ac.uk
Mon Apr 18 13:39:02 BST 2011
Edited the file, copied to /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
Service sendmail restart (warns about *** WARNING:
FEATURE(`promiscuous_relay') so must be reading new file)
I still get the same lines in maillog
Apr 18 13:31:18 mumford sendmail[8390]: p3ICVFYS008390: to=<address>,
ctladdr=apache (48/48), delay=00:00:03, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=relay,
pri=30684, relay=[] [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred:
[]: No route to host
However if I telnet to the smtp host (using the same FQDN as in the
sendmail.mc file) port 25 I get the STMP banner etc. I can send a mail
from zendto at domain to internal and external accounts.
Ian Elston
Networks & Developments
The University of Bolton
-----Original Message-----
From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf
Of Jules
Sent: 15 April 2011 15:35
To: ZendTo Users
Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
In which case, here is my minimal sendmail.mc file that will just punt
all mail off to your main SMTP server.
If you gunzip the file and then read it, you will see there is 1 setting
to change (currently set to "smtp.yourdomain.com"), and then use that as
your sendmail.mc file.
On 15/04/2011 14:58, Elston, Ian wrote:
>> After doing the "make" you need to "service sendmail restart" as well
> to make it re-read the configuration.
> Done, still no worky. Same error on queue. :(
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ------
> Ian Elston
> Networks& Developments
> The University of Bolton
> http://www.bolton.ac.uk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On Behalf
> Of Jules
> Sent: 15 April 2011 14:47
> To: ZendTo Users
> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
> On 15/04/2011 14:22, Elston, Ian wrote:
>> Hi
>> Re. the local - IPs - you say that the 3.90+ version is in Beta, but
>> this is 3.74 from yum.
> Ah yes. It is used in the new user interface which is still in beta
> until this weekend.
>> The AD /group authentication - it works, but it just gives 4 errors,
> not
>> 1.
> Okay, thanks for that. I probably won't have time now, but will try to
> get to it over the weekend.
>> Re. mail - I've edited the sendmail.mc, ran the make and yeah, it
> works,
>> if I less the sendmail.cf I can see that the hostname has changed
>> (for the sake of testing I changed it to the IP). Mail still doesn't
>> get delivered though.
> After doing the "make" you need to "service sendmail restart" as well
> to
> make it re-read the configuration.
>> If I check /var/log/maillog it's complaining about 'no route to
>> host' . Is there something else to configure in sendmail?
> The
>> zendto server can lookup my smtp server, and I can complete the
>> transaction via telnet using the same sending address. So it appears
>> sendmail can't route to the smtp server.
>> " Apr 15 14:17:00 mumford sendmail[27299]: p3FDH0aw027299:
> from=apache,
>> size=688, class=0, nrcpts=1,
>> msgid=<201104151317.p3FDH0aw027299 at mumford.bolton.ac.uk>,
>> relay=apache at localhost
>> Apr 15 14:17:03 mumford sendmail[27299]: p3FDH0aw027299:
>> to=ian.elston at gmail.com, ctladdr=apache (48/48), delay=00:00:03,
>> xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=relay, pri=30688, relay=[]
> [],
>> dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: []: No route to host"
>> Re. Graphs - indeed they are there now.
> Cool. But I will look into the missing png file though. As you say,
> this
> shouldn't happen!
> Cheers,
> Jules.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
>> Behalf Of Jules
>> Sent: 15 April 2011 12:48
>> To: ZendTo Users
>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>> On 14/04/2011 17:04, Elston, Ian wrote:
>>> Sorry, I am an idiot. More proper-reading of the documentation meant
>> I'd
>>> missed updating PHP to 52.
>>> I was getting more errors in error_log which pointed to the line in
>>> preferences.php which defines local IP addresses. I'd commented that
>> out
>>> because the documentation says that it wasn't used yet.
>> It is used in version 3.90 onwards, and I will fix the documentation!
>> Sorry :-(
>>> Anyway, my authentication (unexpectedly) works. However if I use a
>> user
>>> not in the 'ZendTo' AD group I've created/defined, I get 4 errors:
>>> [error] Authorisation Failed
>>> Sorry, you are not authorized to use this service.
>>> [error] LDAP Error
>>> Check User: Unable to connect to any of the authentication servers;
>>> could not authenticate user.
>>> [error] LDAP Error
>>> Check User: Unable to connect to any of the LDAP servers; could not
>>> authenticate user.
>>> [error] Authentication Error
>>> The username or password was incorrect
>> I haven't done much testing on the group requirement, it was a thing
>> someone else contributed. I will need to double-check that all works
>> properly. Do bear in mind that the 3.90+ series are still betas at
>> the moment.
>>> I have another couple of Questions, I hope you don't mind.
>>> 1) I mis-configured sendmail - I added the name of the mail server
> but
>>> didn't remove the dnl from the start of the line. I assume what I'm
>>> doing with the 'make' command is recompiling sendmail?
>> No, just recompiling the sendmail configuration. It turns sendmail.mc
>> into sendmail.cf (which is plain text but not hugely readable unless
> you
>> understand sendmail in depth).
>>> However if I try
>>> and do this again once I've edited the sendmail.mc, it says there's
>>> nothing to do. I tried rpm -e sendmail but it failed, said there
>>> were dependencies. I can send an email to a gmail account via telnet
>>> from
>> the
>>> zendto server so it's def a sendmail problem.
>> Make sure do
>> cd /etc/mail
>> make sendmail.cf
>> and as long as the modification date on sendmail.mc is newer than
>> sendmail.cf, it will rebuild sendmail.cf for you.
>>> 2) the instructions for "Setup Mail" say: "The only change required
> is
>>> to remove and "dnl" from the start of the line that defines
>>> and set the value to the fully qualified name of your SMTP server or
>>> "smarthost" - when it says remove "and dnl" is there a bit missing?
> Is
>>> it literally just the 3 letters 'dnl' that need removing?
>> You just need to make sure the "dnl" word isn't there in that line.
>> "dnl" comments out the rest of the line, so you need to un-comment
>>> 3) for an admin user who checks out the stats, it looks like there
>>> should be graphs. Error_log says:
>>> [Thu Apr 14 16:32:15 2011] [error] [client] PHP
> Warning:
>>> readfile(/var/zendto/rrd/notfound.png) [<a
>>> href='function.readfile'>function.readfile</a>]: failed to open
>> stream:
>>> No such file or directory in /opt/zendto/www/graph.php on line 68,
>>> referer: http://zendto.bolton.ac.uk/stats.php?period=month
>> That's just because it hasn't written any stats yet. Wait a day or so
>> and that should disappear.
>>> That line 68 says: "readfile(RRD_DATA_DIR.'notfound.png');"
>>> So I recognise rrd as maybe somthing *else* I missed on the
>> instructions
>>> (!)
>>> So I yum list rrdtool lua-rrdtool perl-rrdtool : and it looks like I
>>> have it installed:
>>> rrdtool.x86_64 1.4.4-1.el5.rf
>> installed
>>> But the /var/zendto/rrd directory is empty. Is this right?
>> That's okay. It will fill it for you from a cron job run overnight.
>>> Sorry again for not reading the instructions properly. I struggled
>> with
>>> the elinks browser-based downloads, tried to get round it by adding
>>> repos and using yum, but i think that's how I missed things.
>> No worries, I still need to improve the docs some more!
>> Jules.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
> Behalf
>>> Of Elston, Ian
>>> Sent: 14 April 2011 11:08
>>> To: ZendTo Users
>>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>>> Cheers, that fixed it. I did go through the instructions and thought
>> I'd
>>> yum'd a lot of the other packages. It would be ace if you only had
> to
>>> do 'yum install zendto' after adding the other repository(s) and all
>> the
>>> dependencies were there. Almost easier than the VM... (which I
>> couldn't
>>> get to import, but again that might be me/my vCenter). Wouldn't it
>> make
>>> updates a lot easier?
>>> If I go to about.php now the page loads (albeit with reference to
> ECS,
>>> which I can fix) I get these errors at the top
>>> Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2003):
>> Can't
>>> connect to MySQL server on 'mumford.bolton.ac.uk' (113) in
>>> /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 48
>>> Warning: mysqli_autocommit() [function.mysqli-autocommit]: Couldn't
>>> fetch mysqli in /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 54
>>> And at the site root:
>>> Warning: mysqli::mysqli() [function.mysqli-mysqli]: (HY000/2003):
>> Can't
>>> connect to MySQL server on 'mumford.bolton.ac.uk' (113) in
>>> /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 48
>>> Warning: mysqli_autocommit() [function.mysqli-autocommit]: Couldn't
>>> fetch mysqli in /opt/zendto/lib/MySQL.php on line 54
>>> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
>>> /opt/zendto/lib/NSSDropbox.php on line 913
>>> Next I'm going to wade through the other configs/add the SSL cert.
> And
>> I
>>> don't think my AD authentication settings are anywhere near right.
>>> I'm weirdly enjoying the challenge though!
>>> Ian
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
>>> ------
>>> Ian Elston
>>> Networks& Developments
>>> The University of Bolton
>>> http://www.bolton.ac.uk
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: zendto-bounces at zend.to [mailto:zendto-bounces at zend.to] On
> Behalf
>>> Of Julian Field
>>> Sent: 14 April 2011 09:42
>>> To: ZendTo Users
>>> Subject: [ZendTo] Re: Centos Yum install
>>> Many thanks for the feedback about the yum/rpm setup, I will try to
>> fix
>>> all of that before version 4 goes into production "stable" use.
>>> As for the mysqli problem, you need to install the package
>>> php-mysql, then restart httpd with "service httpd restart".
>>> Any more problems, just yell! :-)
>> Jules
> Jules
Julian Field MEng CITP CEng
Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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