[ZendTo] Re: New user interface -- Final beta

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at aafp.org
Wed Apr 6 19:52:18 BST 2011

Version 3.94 looks great, I just have one suggestion for you to consider.
Some of our users print out the web page so they can show that "something has been done". 
When you "Request a drop-off" on the first page, the last web page after adding the recipients information gives you:
     The request for a Drop-off has been sent.
Please consider including the Recipients Name and email address on the same line something like:
     The request for a Drop-off has been sent to John Doe at email-addresss at domain.tld
This change also has the benefit of showing the sender the email address they entered on the previous form.
If you'd rather not modify the ZendTo base code, what ZendTo variables should I use in the request_sent.tpl file for the recipient and user names?
many thanks

>>> On 4/6/2011 at 4:37 AM, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:

I have just released what I intend to be the final beta of 3.94 before I 
go for a stable release of 4.00.

Craig Chambers has kindly fixed the remaining IE and Chrome problems for 
me, and it now looks good in just about everything!

So please give this one a try, even if you haven't tried any of the 
previous betas, as I would very much like to know about any last-minute 

Download as usual from http://zend.to/downloads.php

There are now screenshots on the website too, so you can see what it 
will look like!

Many thanks,


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

Follow me at twitter.com/JulesFM
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