[ZendTo] Re: Howto Update ClamAv on a Centos vm

Brad Beckenhauer bbecken at aafp.org
Mon Oct 4 15:35:52 BST 2010

Doh..  feeling sheepishly stupid now...   must get more coffee.
thanks for the kickstart.

>>> On 10/4/2010 at 8:52 AM, in message <4CA9DC16.8070401 at Zend.To>, Jules <Jules at zend.to> wrote:

Download the packages
into a directory on their own, then type
    rpm -Uvh *.rpm
and that will upgrade them all.

Simple package updating on RedHat or CentOS is documented in a gazillion places on the web.

On 04/10/2010 14:21, Brad Beckenhauer wrote: 

I noticed that clamav engines are outdated in the /var/log/messages
I've looked at the zend.to website and there are no docs for updating clamav when using the Centos vm's.
I see the reference about pulling the packages from the http://packages.sw.be/clamav/ website and I've pulled down the most recent versions of clamav.
I could do a yum remove for the clam* packages, but the zendto package is a dependency and I really don't want to remove zendto
So what is the recommended process to update/upgrade clamav on zendto?
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEngwww.Zend.To
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