[ZendTo] Re: Local sender email address invalid

Jules Jules at ZendTo.com
Sat Jul 17 15:10:35 BST 2010

What is the exact email address? And are you using SQLite or MySQL?

If it was reading nothing for the sender email address, you would get 
the ErrorSenderEmail string from zendto.conf. You only get the 
ErrorSenderBadEmail string if the email address fails to match the 
regular expression I mentioned below.

If you would rather send me the exact email address off-list, please do so.
Please copy and paste it from the "name,email address,organisation" page 
(preferably from the HTML source of the page) and double-check there are 
no leading or trailing spaces. A trailing space would cause this, among 
other things.

The code that does this is here (it's in NSSDropoff.php) :

     if ( ! $senderEmail ) {
       return $smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorSenderEmail');
     if ( ! 
) {
       return $smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorSenderBadEmail');

So as you see, that is how you get that error message.


On 17/07/2010 14:05, Steve Mason wrote:
> I'm using AD. The email address confirmation page is correct, and it 
> is the same email address that is in AD.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* zendto-bounces at zendto.com [mailto:zendto-bounces at zendto.com] 
> *On Behalf Of *Jules
> *Sent:* Saturday, July 17, 2010 5:22 AM
> *To:* ZendTo Users
> *Subject:* [ZendTo] Re: Local sender email address invalid
> What authenticator are you using?
> If AD, then does that user have an email address defined in their AD 
> properties? If they don't have one at all, that will cause those symptoms.
> This error happens if the sender email address does not match this:
> /^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\_\-\+]*)\@([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\_\-\.]+)$/
> When you select "Dropoff" from the main menu, it takes you to a page 
> that confirms the sender name, email address and organisation. Exactly 
> what showed up in the sender email address on that page?
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Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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