[ZendTo] Re: Duplicated insert

Jules Jules at ZendTo.com
Mon Aug 9 15:35:08 BST 2010

On 09/08/2010 12:48, Sergio Rabellino wrote:
> In my code-checks i've found that the auth code is inserted twice and 
> only the latest is used.
> I suggest to remove in lib/Verify.php the lines from 163 to 168.
Where is the other instance?
> A question: there is any reason about the removal of any international 
> chars from name and organization ?
Me being paranoid about people putting nasty characters into databases 
and HTML.
> I've adapted my code to write down utf8 strings into mysqldb
How do I do that?
> and i do not see any evidence of problem about it: i'm wrong ?
I just want to be absolutely doubly sure that people cannot put evil 
text in it, which is very easy to allow by mistake.


Julian Field MEng CITP CEng

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